I have held off on responding to this thread for a long time... it is so hard to narrow life down to one pivotal moment.
Thinking back, it was probably when I was 7-years-old in a Bible camp that my babysitter forced me to go to. It consisted of 2 ladies talking about the Bible in over-simplified terms and using visual aids to help hit the message home. At one point they had a picture of a wide, windy path and a straight, narrow path. Along the straight path was very little; along the windy path there were all kinds of things. I was asked "which path looks easier?"
The answer was so obvious... I had a very linear mind then (I've gotten way more abstract with age. I thought, "The purpose of a path is to take you from where you are to where you're going... the narrow path is the easiest path to accomplish this goal"
So I said as such, and one of the ladies freaked out on me. She yelled at me, accused me of being a liar (and I think a sinner too) and went on to tell me that with windy path was easier. I was totally lost. I wouldn't agree with her, even though she kept yelling at me and made me cry.
It was from that point onward that I started to seriously question religion and the proclaimed authority that people say they have.