Originally posted by Ganguro
it won't affect my GPA at all.. since I already have my BS.
I gotta tell you if I was in the same shoes I'd just turn in the project, best I could, wothout alerting the prof. Its not going to effect you, you are not concerned grade wise, and you kinda got out of the course what you wanted from it: knowledge. So instead of screw the other guy, I'd just swallow and take the result. Don't get me wrong, he deserves it, but its my nature to let it go and figure he'll get his in some other place and time.
BUT, your not me and rsl12 has a valid point. I know that most professors who assign groupwork have problems like this every semester. Its gonna happen that one person is like the idiot you got. So don't feel like you are doing something that would reflect poorly on you if you do notify the prof. Finally, I've taken classes where the group can "fire" an individual from the group: its in the syllabus. So, profs know guys like him exist, you'll get heard.
Let us know how it works out.