Originally posted by Kurant
Actully, your quite wrong. It's a "team" of hackers/programmers, with more resources available to them then some major companies have. They have had 3 stress tests, they can now spawn monsters, and they've said they will have a server available within a few weeks to a month. You can connect through sandbox by listing an IP, and can log on they're server when they open the stress testing.
It's not as difficult as it may seem, and it's very, very possible. The server core is already in place and properly working. It's not that far fetched.
First off, they can't get NPCs on the server which means no quests and no content. Secondly the monsters that are spawning are made by the stormcraft teams themselves.. I have seen the models and they are comedy at best. To top it all off, the characters abilities aren't even finished nor are the high level "hero" abilities. Basically you are looking at a pretty ghetto setup
but hey... more power to anybody who wants to go this route, but it won't represent anything WoW has to offer other then the scenery.
You do know that mmorpg's don't give you the server part of the game when you buy it, they only give you the client part. You would have to code the entire server part of the game in exactly the way the client requires. This is why even when the full game is released, they STILL will not be able to make a decent emu of it. Be patient, the game will be out in time.