relax, my deepest sympathies go out to your friend, her boyfriend, and of course, you. I have gone through a similar situation of complete hopelessness. I had a girlfriend in college for a short time. We were both totally into each other. She fell off the face of the earth one day. No calls, no e-mails, not ever at home. I was at a complete loss because I had no idea what the heck my own girlfriend. Well, she finally sent me a letter in the mail about 5 months later. She had moved back home because someone she considered a friend raped her and beat her. She couldn't bear to tell me because she was so hurt by it. I couldn't believe what I was reading.....I couldn't believe she didn't bother to confide in me. I told her to never tell me who did it because she said I know the person. I told her that if I did know, I would be afraid of what I would do to him. I did tell her to go to the police but he never did. I don't know why.
I have a younger sister who is a beautiful girl. When I hear stories like this, I shudder at the fact that my sister could possibly be a victim one day and it scares the shit oput of me. I don't know if she would ever tell me either because she knows how I feel about rapists and she knows I would act out irrationally before I had a chance to realize what I was doing.
I wish your friend the best in her time of need.
-Homer Simpson