Originally posted by BuDDaH
Are they trying to be Politically Correct and found someone they think "qualifies" as their definition "African-American"?
(By finding someone an "Caucasian" African and nominate him for an award CLEARLY dedicated for the "Americans of AFRICAN decent" is making a mockery of the whole thing and SHOULD be expelled for being "insensitive".) How are they being that? Why should they be suspended?
I can give one reason: If they thought the award should include anyone who also shows the trait one must have to win it, WHY DID THEY NOT pick anyone else, even themselves to be nominated?
(NOOOOO, they had to go and get someone who was African...) INSENSITIVITY, very blatant..
What they were doing was sending a message, a real fucked up one. Trying to find a point where they can "turn the tables" and point a finger, saying the how racist the whole organization is because they can't get into the "club" they shouldn't be trying to join in the first place!!
I disagree wholeheartedly Buddah. What they were doing is the very essence of education. However, it seems that they were trying to educate the teachers and administrators on how stupid an African-American award really is if it doesn't include a caucasuian African-American. Yes, it seems they were trying to make a political point. Was it a "fucked up" message? No! Were they insensitive? No!
Did they really think an African who is caucasian is a candidate for an award designed and embodies awareness and recognition of the trials, tribulations and struggles of the BLACK AMERICANS and their DECENDANTS? (Three words: Hell-fucking-NO.)
I don't believe the award was for Black Americans, it was for African Americans. There is a difference. These kids were trying to point out the difference.
*pulls up chair and listens intently*
Let's play this game called FACTS:
(and you'll see the unwritten meaning of recognition this award and what disqualifies him in the first place. He shouldn't be there in the first place..)
Well, why not?
Hypothetical situation:
Suppose he moved here from Africa recently. Just suppose that he was a huge advocate for equal rights of all people, he lobbied for equality of all races, etc...while he lived in Africa. Wouldn't this be a justifiable reason to win the "African-American" award?
I think you see the picture now, so let's fast forward to today:
1) He and I apply for college,(ex: Yale, Yeshiva, Harvard...) who more likely will be accepted and who will recieve a background check?
Well, the schools you mentioned, as well as many others, have quotas to fill with different races. Therefore, you will most likely be accepted before he does. He can have a better GPA, have been in more social clubs, and have come from a money background....you will still have a better chance of getting in. I do speak from experience here.
2) He and I goes to the same job interview, who'll most likely to get the job without having to have a drug-test before hand?
They have Human Resource departments these days which prevent pulling favor on particular candidates because of their cultural background. Yes, there are isolated cases where people still pull this shit, but when people find out, the companies are the ones that suffer. I have worked in the staffing inustry for 8 years, so again, I do speak from experience.
3) He and I, standing on a street corner, the police rolls up, who will more likely will the police check and ask identification for?
Again, you reference isolated incidents where cops have their heads thoroughly wedged up their asses! I don't blame you for your opinion of this situation, but come on...if they had reason to ask for your ID, whether white of black, they will. Don't use the mistakes of history to justify a generalized view of the police.
Let me not get carried away, I know you see my point... Too easy to pull "that" card, huh.?
It's like a trump card.....you can pull it every time to prove that we had a shaky history. I regret what my forefather's have done to other cultures. But, I am not them. I don't think like they did. I don't act like they did. I believe all races are equal and we should continue to define ways that we can all just live in peace. Frankly, I am kind of tired of having the trump card pulled every time when I feel we are trying to move forward and get away from our mistakes of the past.
It isn't about being Black, or African American. It isn't an exclusive award targeting a specific club.
It is awarded to an African American that best exhibits a postive attitude in their contributions in their school work, sets example for his or her peers, and shows promise in face of the racial "restrictions" that are STILL being oppressed on their lives TO THIS DATE.
Now, in this case, their point is that his ONLY qualification for nomination is that he's from Africa?.
Perhaps, perhaps not....see my point above about possible contribution he could have made while in Africa. Again, it is hypothetical, but it serves to prove the invalidity of calling it an African American award.