Wow, cheating. That's a heavy load to bear in my book. I've never cheated on any of my girlfriends even when I suspected and found out later they were cheating on me. (Of course this required the big break up). I am engaged now and would never cheat. Never. Ever. Do I see girls I'd like to sleep with? Oh yeah. Am I presented with the opportunity? Unfortunatly yes. From time to time I'm tempted in a fantasy sort of way but I would never do it. I love my dear fiance' like I've never loved another and such a thing would cheapen our relationship. As long as its her and me we're unique. If I fool around I feel our love loses its special meaning. The bond just between us two. Also, a cheater has no honor. No matter the circumstances. My honor is more important than tawdry sex, no matter how tempting. Stay true. It just makes life better.