(shakran!) Transitioning an Editorial Writer in to a Journalism Writer
I’m taking a journalism course this semester. The course is great, but I feel a bit awkward as far as style goes. I’ve written many letters to the editor, a few editorials, and a couple full page articles that have all been published. The subject has mainly been on politics or local music/ nightlife.
I love for my writing to have a pop and sizzle with hooks and lines that roll off your tongue.
Now I enter the journalism style like a drunk gringo trying to speak Spanish. I get the concepts, just my steps are a bit furtive. Brief. Informative. I’ve always strived for this in my letters to the editor.
No questions in articles? A well placed question is powerful! Just ask any screen writer.
My old bag of tricks has a hole in it.
Could you give any pointers to me to liven up my journalistic writing? I would be very grateful. I don’t think that my stories are bad, just mediocre.
I write this post, because I just finished reading an article in Esquire yesterday and I was like “Wow. Magazine writing and the style I’m closer to is so vibrant and lush. My journalism writing feels solid, but still cerebral and cold in comparison.”
Thanks for your time.
If you need any samples or more info, just ask!