Originally posted by Ustwo
While there are many wacko groups, envirowackos (greens, Sierra club, green peace (sadly the last two have gone to the wacko side, didn't start that way)), communists, radical feminists, etc, I think only the Greens have a major effect on democrat policy, and maybe the radical fems on some of the more horrific abortion procedures.
Dems take their marching orders from the Unions, NAACP, and tort lawyers, while trying to also maintain the vote plantations they turned the poor into at the expensive of their future. How’s that war on poverty going guys, figure out that handouts are counter productive yet?
You have demonstrated that you have absolutely no grasp on any of these groups, including the democrats.
I'm just wondering what kind of angry responses I would get if I characterized the Republican party as entirely beholden to Racists, rednecks, homophobes, Psychotic, militant Fundamentalist "christians" like Falwell, Bob Jones, and Robertson.
And take their marching orders from Utilities, banking institutions and big business in general. And exploit the poor South for votes at the expense of their future. The south, which is a welfare
region as each state takes in tremendously more tax dollars than it pays into the federal government. Hows 30 years of voting republican been doing for the wacky south anyway guys?
Rugged individualism is alive and kicking down there ain't it?