01-22-2004, 09:21 PM
#33 (permalink)
Location: Los Angeles, CA.
Originally posted by magua
Some women either won't be able to tell you, or won't want to.
I think it's one of those gender gaps. A guy thinks, "Well, if I do this, and that, and then do the other thing, we're off TO THE MOON!", and the girl thinks, "What am I? Some list to be checked off?"
Or, to be balanced and phrase it from the other point of view, the guy wants to know what he can do to make it better for the girl, but the girl wants him to know without having to ask. One of those, "Are you paying attention to me?" deals.
My advice:
1) Ask the first few times, but don't pester. If she doesn't say, don't keep bringing it up.
2) After you've settled into a grove, experiment every once in awhile and do something new. If she likes it, keep it, if not, toss it.
If she's really shy, it may be easier for her to express it during a game or dream or fantasy of some sort. Just don't laugh. =P
You are so correct on what you're saying. Sometimes I get so frustrated with my gf because she just won't come out and tell me what she likes or wants. With her it's like pulling teeth, even though I really want to make her feel good. I've been working on this issue for couple of years now, and I'm making some head way. The stories my friends have told me just make me so frustrated. Don’t get me wrong, I love my gf. Compared to the stories I’ve heard and some stuff I’ve seen, she is by far the best Girlfriend a guy could have. She is beautiful, smart and hella sexy, but sometimes she can be pretty typical girlish. I’m really happy I have her in my life