You all obviously have interest in dreams so you should look up lucid dreaming on the web and try to do it.
Basicly (if you didnt learn this from vanilla sky) a lucid dream is when you know you are dreaming and can control it. It's kinda hard to do but not that hard I guess. I'm no expert but I can give a few pointers. You need to understand some of the basics of dreams.
First thing, and I know this part sucks (and may seem impossible), you have to not smoke any weed for two full days. THC makes your mind stay in the alpha state and thus prevents it from moving into the beta state (where you dream).
Second, you should know that generally the first 4-5 hours of sleep is alpha sleep (before beta) so you have to get more sleep than that. Actually what I find works best is to pick a night when you dont have anything to do the next day and sleep for about 12-15 hours. This may seem crazy to some of you, or normal for others, if you cant fathom sleeping that long just do it. When you wake up just go back to sleep, its not that hard. You will find that the longer you sleep the more intense your dreams get. To the point that you might wake up sweating with your heart pounding stunned by the realism of the dream (and it doesnt have to be a nightmare). This intensity will help tremendously.
As far as chemicals go, you should get a bottle of the 3mg melatonin and take two before you go to sleep (ignore the 3mg per day warning label--those things are always WAY conservative) (but dont take more than three unless youve worked yourself up to there and dont kill yourself being stupid). Also if you can find some 'opium lettuce' which doesnt have any opium in it its just called that. Its sold in head shops and on the internet as a legal weed substitute (why would anyone need a substitute?). Unfortunatly smoking it wont get you high (false advertising), but it will make your dreams go crazy.
Anyway get on google and search for a big long lucid dream FAQ it is a better resource than me. Now go out there and fly to the moon to screw some three headed pandas with wooden legs.
If I could be anyone in the world I would be Britney Spears. Shes in so many commercials about pepsi...
Last edited by xim; 01-22-2004 at 08:58 PM..