As far as handling goes, if your considering things like x-crossing, you'll find a majority of these vehicles are FWD due to there easier to control nature.
There are always a few people with a FWD car, and they occasionally do very well, but they are few and far between. At least in skilled drivers. a Very large portion of auto-cross, and most any road course, are RWD. All the high end performance cars as well, if not AWD, are RWD. This is not just to show off their burnout prowess. Typically the FWD cars are driven by people that dont know their limits of driving, or of their car very well. They are easier to be consistant with and not kill yourself, but by no means are the best for the job, and here at least, they certainly aren't the majority at the autocross.
But back on topic, sting pretty much nailed it. While Slate isn't the best source of information, many people have adapted this report to put on their own pages, and its still very informative :
FWD Vs. RWD article