Once, I asked someone who sold grado, if there was anything to there expensive headphone extension cables (I use grado sr80's) . The dealer looked me in the eye and said something to the effect of "why would you wanna pay so much extra for that? I just use that radio shack cable. "
He told me thiis as I was demoing a creek 5350 at his suggestion, so he did have pretty good taste.
And for spdif I find it hard to believe that a digital signal really needs that good cable. You'd notice really quick if it dropped bits, it would not degrade gracefully like analog would. It should have some sort of checksum bits if it was worth anything. Thus you could probably do well with any moderately shielded cable with good connectors.
AR's low to midrange would probably work perfectly. Just make sure it's made for digital, 70 ohm cable I believe.