What gets to me most.. is... When I say I'm american do you think White? Do you think Grey? Do you think Brown? Do you think Yellow with blue squares and green poka dots? NO!!! You don't!! So why the hell do you have to think BLACK (even though technically you're a pinkish color or a bown color..) when its Africa? Where you are born is your culture, and that person is culterally an african now american. You CAN be an African White Guy.... it doesn't make a damn fucking difference.
The guy who said he wanted to enter Native American contests? Sorry man, but I do recall we didn't JOIN them Native Americans but pushed them out of our way as we wanted their land... Beyond that, this is the United States, not Native America.... the kid was from Africa... so he entered something that dealt with his homeland... Africa.
Also, I too find it disturbing that it was an MLK event and they suspended a person for their color.. that goes against the entire thing in the first place.
On a further note, my neighbor is black and his wife is white.. they have two daughters.. one is a tan color.. the other is 'whiter' than I am.. and her dad is black. She has more background to "blacks" (ugh I hate having to put it this way) than I do.. even though in a color sense.. I am darker than her (even though I'm obviously a "cracker") ((I'm allowed to make fun of myself here, so blehg!

On a further Further note (This would be edited add-in number 2

), If we can call every person a HUMAN BEING.. how the fuck do we discriminate somone as "lesser".. you're human.. they're human... I don't see a difference.