Think of this. Take any situation presented to you. Look at your options- they are virtually limitless.
Now, think of the consequences (outcomes, not necessarily good or bad) of each option you could choose.
By seeing what makes you feel good, truly good- without hurting anyone or yourself, what instantly pulls you in as a "feel good" option? Even if you don't think that something is wrong or too difficult or impossible on the outside, your instincts are your true voice, and the "highest" choice is usually the choice that you are led to first. Usually people with see that choice as not being "right", but your first insticts always tell the truth. That first instinct, even if the option doesn't feel 'right" to you, remember the "outcome" that would occur. That outcome is what matters, therefore showing you the "highest choice".
I hope that makes sense. remember- it's not the option that you choose that will make you feel good (your highest choice) but the outcome.