I was going to have a Brazilian done once but I chickened out.. Just got the regular wax. Didn't hurt tooooo bad. But yeah, it's a bit uncomfortable.
I normally shave, so when I got it done I let the hair grow out a little while, and the woman who did the waxing recommending growing the hair out for 2-3 weeks, then using a trimmer to get it down to 1/4 inch. She told me that when you shave the hair grows at different rates, so I had a few short hairs that didn't get removed with the wax. She just used some tweezers to clean the area up.
I only had it done the one time, but if I had somebody who would actually be seeing the wax job, I'd have it done often.
Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great.