trust me, dont do it, you could try eating something else to survive but eating tuna on a regular basis is a bad idea. Reason for this is: tuna is a fish that has a really long lifetime and over this time period it eats other fish. These other fish have small quantities of mercury in them so over time the tuna will have quite a lot of mercury in it. Consuming a large amount of tuna (eating it more than twice a week) WILL MAKE YOU LOOSE YOUR HAIR, NO SHIT! this is all from experience; last august I tried something simmilar: eating tuna for breakfast everyday and I found that my hair started falling out, I quit eating this canned fish and three weeks later I was gaining my locks back. If you want to stick to an easy meal like tuna swich over to canned salmon which only lives one year and doesent have all of that mercury.
I'm kind of jealous of the life I'm supposedly leading.
- Zach Braff
Last edited by greyeyes; 01-22-2004 at 03:09 PM..