im curious how/why you say setting her as admin and adding users has failed?
i had a friend at work whos kids were trashing their computer installing more spam/ad/spy/malware than you can shake a stick not to mention just decided that they were going to be some little bastards about it all and really fuck it up to the point of trying to install windowsXP back on it one weeken while the 'rents were away and did not know where to look on the PC for the serial (it is a compaq)
i set up users and they have had no problems since. these little evil bastards are all on a guest account they cannot install ANYTHING they cannot even go to but like 3 or 4 web pages i allowed for tehm from the master account neopets, espn, msnbc, and cnn i think are the only ones i allowed or something like that.
guest accounts can work they are there for a reason
Spank you very much