Originally posted by Liquor Dealer
To me, first of all, a good president must have the ability to delegate authority and the ability to put the best possible people in positions of authority. No one person can possibly deal with the complexities of government.
A president must have the guts to do what is right and the intestinal fortitude to finish what is started.
A president must have the respect of most of the people most of the time - no one is ever going to have it all.
A president has to be an American first and put America first in every thought and action he takes.
These are all true, except the last one needs to be elaborated... yes put america first, but a president must also understand that the world is becoming very connected and really should have a strong foreign policy. It's not a crime for an american president to care about the rest of the world, its actually very beneficial: in the short run our image would be better (because now we're pretty widely loathed), and in the long run, we can reap benefits from a safer more connected world... I dont mean free trade necessarily because it takes away jobs at home and doesn't necessarily help the countries we move to because american corporations are still running the show. A president who is too pro america can cause problems.