Originally posted by Mantus
I think we need an example. Suppose I lost my car keys. But I was not aware of their loss for a whole day. The next morning I noticed their absence and declared them missing. Were they missing for the whole day despite the fact that I was not aware of their absence?
Obviously they were. For the whole time they were not in my possession. Just because I was not aware of this fact does not make it any less real.
I disagree completely, sorry
Something can not be missing if it is not sought.
As long as your keys are sitting there without you knowing, then they are simply there - nothing more. Although, High_way is correct. The split second you think about your keys, they becoming "missing" (in your mind atleast), as you are now seeking them. But up until that point, they are not missing.
However, if I was to define the term Missing, I would label it as a personal belief rather than a state of being. Since Missing is not an active state, it is just an idea that we create to describe something. Just because one person believes the keys are missing does not mean the keys are truely missing. After all, perhaps your wife has already gone to the car and found the keys =P.