No behavior is ever always moral or always immoral.
Theft for selfish reasons? Lying for selfish reasons? Rape? Murder?
That is to say, a gay man likes to sex-up other men, but isn't compulsively sexxing-up another man at every opportunity. Kleptos steal uncontrollably. Stealing also requires a victim, homosexuality does not.
Two good points. I'll conceed that it can't be a great analogy. The main point of it is the idea that homosexuality/kleptomania can lead to spiritually unhealthy (immoral) behavior, so it's a good idea to treat it.
Funny thing is that you can "cure" anyone of anything depending on the method used.
Yeah, I know. The question is whether or not it
should be cured.
Why must it be treated and why is it immoral ?
Not 'must'. I leave that choice up to the person (or if a minor, his/her guardian). 'Should' is the word I used.
Are you really questioning whether theft is immoral?
I'm pretty sure that any behavior can lead to immorality
But that's not what I said. I talked of the idea that the behavior
itself immoral.
In essence, homosexuality is no more moral or immoral than any other activity on the face of the earth, including posting on the TFP.
Homosexuality isn't an activity. It's a condition. Conditions can't be moral or immoral, they aren't choices.
Is moral relativism lurking about? Because if it is, I can make this really simple.