As far as volume goes, there is actually a reference set by the director. This is what the whole THX certified thing was/is about. There are a ton of variables, like power of amplifiers, efficiency of speakers, radiation patterns, and all can change the sound produced in a way that the director did not intend. In a system that is THX certified (whether in the home or the theater) setting the volume at 0 db ensures that you will be hearing the sound at the level that the director intended it to be heard. Of course, these systems cost much more than the run-of-the-mill, and getting and keeping them certified is a pain in the ass for theater owners. The beauty of a THX system is in the fact that you can have clarity in dialogue without excessive volume. Unfortunately, theater owners are not as into displaying their certifications today as they were several years ago.
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam