This speech was a brilliant tactic to start is campaign.
1. a president can make the SotU speech at any time he feels. Do you think it was coincidence that he did a day after the friggin first caucus.
2. the steroid thing, as i know look back on it, was just a ploy to try and figure out how they could cast a camera on Tom Brady. hello, whats next week....the New england primary....Bushys gettting some votes there.
3. Did you notice how he tied all the WMD, terrorist, 9/11, IRAQ war, Al Quada, afghanistan stuff all into one neat little package? The speech was written so that it transitioned from 1 of the points to another making it look like its all connected. HE is still trying to sell this damn war to the public.
it goes on and on....
So smooth, so rico suave....and those smirks.
just my 2 sence.
mr b
"There's an old saying in Tennessee -- I know it's in Texas, it's probably in Tennessee --that says, fool me once, shame on ... shame on you. Fool me ... You can't get fooled again." - G.W. Bush quoted by the Baltimore Sun - Oct 6, 2002