Originally posted by FoolThemAll
I wasn't referring to kleptomania as a defect in that sense. It's a difference between something that should ideally be treated and that for which there is no reason for treatment.
You've heard of homosexuality being 'cured' by Christian groups, right? Yeah, I'm pretty skeptical of it as well. But I haven't ruled out the possibility that science may be capable of 'curing' or 'controlling' it (and that it is a thing that one should seek to cure or control).
See what we have here is a massive difference in opinion, I think homosexuality is natural for some people and their is no reason to attempt to "cure" it. You on the other hand believe that homosexuality needs to be curbed.
I so wish I could upload attachments because I have this great debate case from last year that involves curing homosexuality and irony, mostly irony.
Anyway I have a few of the link from that case and I think they might provoke some debate.
All from the Szasz interview:
"In the case of mental illness, we are dealing with a metaphorical way of expressing the view that the speaker thinks there is something wrong about the behavior of the person to whom he attributes the “illness.”
"In short, just as there were no witches, only women disapproved and called “witches,” so there are no mental diseases, only behaviors of which psychiatrists disapprove and call them “mental illnesses.” Let’s say a person has a fear of going out into the open. Psychiatrists call that “agoraphobia” and claim it is an illness. Or if a person has odd ideas or perceptions, psychiatrists say he has “delusions” or “hallucinations.” Or he uses illegal drugs or commits mass murder. These are all instances of behaviors, not diseases."
"Diagnoses are NOT diseases. Period. Psychiatrists have had some very famous diseases for which they have never apologized, the two most obvious ones being masturbation and homosexuality. People with these so-called “diseases” were tortured by psychiatrists — for hundreds of years. Children were tortured by antimasturbation treatments. Homosexuals were incarcerated and tortured by psychiatrists. Now all that is conveniently forgotten, while psychiatrists — prostitutes of the dominant ethic — invent new diseases, like the ones you mentioned."
"Only then could we begin to examine so-called “mental illnesses” as forms of behavior, like other behaviors."