Originally posted by :::OshnSoul:::
Who will you vote for?
Do you always vote for a specific party?
What persuades you?
What do you look for in a candidate?
Do you want Bush to be re-elected? Why/why not?
What views do you feel strongly about?
Do you want soemone who has a sense of humor?
Would you like to see a woman- even a coloured woman take the position?
Do you feel that religion/beliefs should be the backbone of a President's views/motives/actions?
1. Bush, most likely.
2. This will be my first time voting. But, no, I vote for a candidate and not a party.
3. A strong stance on national defense, fiscal conservatism, a right-wing economic outlook, a pro-life position, an anti-affirmative action position, and an otherwise socially liberal stance. Being a major candidate is also a major consideration.
4. See 3.
5. Yes. Check all that apply in 3 and that's my answer. (Not all apply.)
6. Social freedom, abortion, national defense.
7. Sure, that'd be nice. But not at the cost of anything in #3.
8. If it were to happen that no woman or black person ever was strongest on the criteria in #3, then no. Otherwise, yes.
9. Motivation isn't as important as results. Answer: It depends on how well s/he fits the criteria.