What, to you, makes a good President?
1) Honesty. Speaking from the heart. Sometimes you can't tell, sometimes you can. Just wish they'd scrap the pre-written speeches written by someone else and just say what they feel.
2) Not making promises- because sometimes they can't be kept.
3) Sense of humor. They don't always have to be serious.
4) Talking about what they themselves can do, and who they are, not the problems of other candidates or the current president. Take, for instance, Edwards and his mantra of saying no evil of other candidates.
5) Confidence vibe. I gotta sense it.
6) No big ego. Repeating over and over again that they are a 5-star general, been through the vietnam war, and are current governor- and saying constantly that they are the right choice, no one else is better than him- that turns me off.
7) works for US and World Unity and economy-boosting, rather than focusing on the areas of their choice. Peace rather than Justice.
8) Knowing that war is not the answer. If we must fight we will, but try to find other ways to fix the problem other than killing people would be a wiser way.
9) REALLY listening to the people, not just saying they do. Start asking questions of the people first, before an election.
What about you? If you could design a president with the qualities you prefer, what would they be?
Last edited by :::OshnSoul:::; 01-21-2004 at 01:31 PM..