Some things I observed yesterday.
I tried watching/listening to the SotU address, but it all sounded so familiar, like those same words already came out of his mouth. Like promises he made when he became president he is still saying he is making them, holding to them, yet...when will take action with those promises?
How is our economy and job pool getting bigger and better? Barely. I'm still searching for a job since early last year.
One thing I did hear about Edwards was that he believes in the "speak no evil of other running candidates" mantra, which I totally support. I get so turned off by candidates bashing each other and speaking negatively towards them. So, I don't like Bush, but saying that he did a bad job, that his decisions have been wrong, and saying that he is a mistake to the US, that is harsh.
I watch for backlashing and I will not vote for anyone who does.
Gore- no way. His speech last night turned me off. He was a slight consideration until yesterday. I sensed a lot of defensiveness and angst in his voice as he spoke. I sensed fear, not determination and confidence.
I am now focusing on Kerry and Edwards.