I did once try to after being severly injured in a stupid, senseless fight- fortunately there were many people around and I was successfuly restrained by them, thus I did not succesfuly finish choking my attacker to death- Enough pain and the reflexes just take over- up till that point they never had been tested to that extent- and the incident caused me to think quite a bit about what having deliberately trained my reflexes to react in this way meant- ultimately I feel both relief and horror- If I need them, I KNOW that I wont hesitate to kill to save myself or my family- on the same hand, there was no hesitation, remorse, or anything else, and that is realy damned scarry- so to put it mildly I now try quite hard to avoid situations that might "trip" that reflex - fortunately that is not so hard in todays world......
Thought the harder, Heart the bolder,
Mood the more as our might lessens