183 in a 55 in a 1966 Mercury Montclair, stock 410 wildcat with a 4 barrell carb.
Pulled over, should have just stayed in it but was 17 and got scared. Charged with speeding over 3 times legal limit, wreckless driving with excessive speed tacked to it., Lost license til 21, car impounded, my dad paid to have car returned (it was his in the first place), 10 days in jail, 200 hours of community service and $5120.00 in fines and 350 in court costs.
I would do it again in a minute 16 years later and I can remember the feeling in vivid detail.
Been There, Couldn't do that, No Money, Maybe next time.
I did get the T-shirt, but I've put on some weight so it don't fit.
It made a nice grease rag!