Well, that is a reasonable question <b>User Name</b>.
You should install the proccesor first, making sure it seated squarly. Then, connect your cars jumper cables to your ankles, remember to get the polarity correct...
Seriously, install the proccesor first, make sure it is seated properly, (hard to screw it up buddy, as it only goes one way. Look at the corners, they are different). Flip the lever, your good to go!
Then decide which corner of the heat sink fan (hsf), you want your wires running from. Point them toward the closet mobo connection, or pot, if you have one. Apply some thermal compound of your choice, and seat the hsf in place.
Carefully slip the plain end, (probably three tiny slots that match the tangs on the proccesor base and has no place for a small screwdriver) underneath the corresponding ears on the socket A base. Hold that in place with your finger, (your choice of fingers). Then push the other end down,(edit: with a properly fitting, small screwdriver), sorta hard but not too tough, toward the other three ears opposite the two you just hooked too. Careful now! You don't want to slip out and gouge the very fine connections on the pcb!
Peice of cake brudda
After this is done, if your mobo has an foc (fan off control) it will not start if the fan is not connected properly. You can bypass this in the BIOS if you are water cooled. You should be good to go.
Don't get psyched! It is easy enough that I can do it!
BTW, Don't tell my Mom I am a Heavy Truck Mechanic, she thinks I play piano in a whorehouse.
Hope this helps, if not, my email is available.
Last edited by poof; 01-20-2004 at 06:32 PM..