This is how I put on Athlon XP's:
<LI>Put the processor on the socket and lock it into place with the clip.
<LI>Apply a very small amount of thermal grease (enough to cover JUST the core with a paper-thin layer) to the processor core. I usually smear it around a bit with a piece of paper.
<LI>Put the CPU Heatsink Fan on the socket. Put the non-screwdriver side on first. Slide the HSF back so that the entire core is covered on the processor.
<LI>Use a flathead screwdriver (preferably a long, mid-sized one) to push down the other HSF clip onto the socket.
<LI>Plug in the CPU HSF!
I also put pieces of folded paper under the socket so the motherboard doesn't bend as much. I realize that this can be hard depending on which case you have, but I do it everytime for mine. I also make sure there are risers near the socket.
One of the major issues here is having a long, mid-to-large sized flathead screwdriver. A small, short screwdriver won't work well at all. Phillipshead seems to give problems too. Good luck!
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert