Originally posted by powerclown
Question, beer lovers:
If beer did not get you drunk/buzzed/happy/horny/painless/pissed whatever, would you still drink it?
Damn straight, and I'd still brew it too.
Some beer - cheap crappy fizzy yellow beer - I drink strictly for the buzz, and that would have to go, so I would drink less and much better beer when I did. Of course, if beer didn't get you drunk, then it would be a chore to find anything that wasn't sickly sweet and marketed to teenagers, because all the adults would be off drinking something that did give them a buzz.
Also, if beer didn't get one drunk, then it would have to lack alcohol. Barring some hypothetical inert alcohol isoflavin, some of my favorite types of beer would not taste right. Part of the flavor profile of a good IPA, Imperial Stout, Foreign Style Stout, Old Ale, Barley Wine, Belgian Strong Ale, Scotch Ale, Baltic Porter, or Belgian Trippel is a distinct alcohol flavor. If it's not there, the beer tastes flabby.
<b>KellyC</b>, Sorry about that. I've just heard that identical sentiment from many women over the years - How can you <i>drink</i> that stuff - that it seemed characteristic. My mistake. Given the brands of beer you've had though, it's no wonder you don't like them. Cheap beer for a cheap buzz. Cheap wine is cheaper, but even I don't sink so low any more (but o the nights with a ping pong table and a couple of bottles of maddawg!).
One thing to know about Corona: The reason you put lime in it is to kill the smell. The chemical that makes beer bitter, iso-alpha acids derived from hops and boiling, interact with ultraviolet light to produce a chemical nearly indistinguishable from that which gives skunks their distinctive odor. This takes about 10 seconds. Brown glass stops it. Clear glass does not. Neither does green glass.