I figured I'd put this post in Electronics instead of Computers. Get some coverage in this forum.
I recently bought
DataPilot's Cell Phone Suite for managing my Sony T68i. I'm waiting to upgrade to version 3.0 which includes the ability to sync a Calendar in addition to the other features.
It's a decent app although I was hoping it would perform micromanagement of my phone book like attaching pictures and ring tones so I didn't have to fumble through the phone's keypad - no such luck.
I decided to use DataPilot through IrDA. The USB-IrDA cable and software installed flawlessly on my Windows XP. I also have an older Nokia 8290, thus the desire for the IrDA instead of cable transfers.
I didn't have any problems using float's
Mobile Agent although it does less than DataPilot.
It seems the T68i is inherently limited in it's ability to be managed remotely. I can't browse the phone's files, and thus can't easily manage pictures and ring tones already on the phone. I can send new ones but must use the phone's keypad to work with existing objects.
If anyone has suggestions on alternate software, let me know. Otherwise, DataPilot and fma work pretty well.
I was syncing my T68i phonebook from my Apple PowerBook but wanted more control, thus switched to the other software titles. I imagine an updated Palm OS5 app will be released to manage the T68 (and other Bluetooth phones) beyond the existing Palm support for SMS and Bluetooth dialing features.
Choices, choices.