Would you fly the new Airbus?
As I'm sure some or many of you have heard, they've built a new model for the Airbus series of commercial jets. I don't remember the model number but it was A80 or A380 or something like that. Anywho, as I recall, normally a commercial jet can take somewhere between 220 and 250+ passengers, but this thing can hold between 550 and 800 passengers. It can hold up to 800 if no casinos and restaurants are built in it, but apparently they do intend to have casinos and restaurants and stuff like that, so it can only hold around 600 passengers. One plane. And if you've seen the pictures, the thing is HUGE.
My question is, would you fly it? Eventually, if you fly a lot, you may end up having to, as I am sure they'll be selling seats for these Airbus routes (not all airports can even handle them at this point) more than willingly, as it brings down the cost of flying a passenger from A to B. They can fly more passengers at once... But there are downsides from where I'm standing. The time it takes to empty one of these new Airbus planes of passengers alone is 2 hours. That's a rather long wait... But what concerns me the most is, whereas now if a plane goes down, "only" about 200 people die, but if this new Airbus goes down, it'll take well over 500 with it...
Say what you say about the odds of dying in a plane crash, but I am not entirely sure if this new Airbus is necessarily an improvement, statistically.
What say you? Would you want to fly it?
Who is John Galt?
Last edited by Prince; 01-20-2004 at 06:20 AM..