Okay, we started this in the "when are you least likely to get pregnant"-thread, but as it is a very important issue to a lot of women, I figured we might as well make a whole new thread about it...
First of all, we must point out -can't say that enough- that the pill does NOT protect you against AIDS or any other sexual transmittable diseases.
I myself, have been on the pill for about a year now, and I didn't really had any bad experiences with it... I've heard A LOT of stories about girls gaining a lot of weight, or mental moods or stuff like that; I'm glad my body takes the chemicals quite alright!
I'm in a steady relationship now (of over a year) which is completely monogamous, therefor we don't use condoms anymore (thank god !) and rely completely on the birthcontrol-pill!
We all know that this pill does not grant you a hundred procent security, about not getting pregnant. Basically only not having sex can give you that much certainty, but that is not even an option for me really!
I asked this question already in the previous thread, but maybe we should focus on it more in this one:
"how much trust do you have in the pill as only birthcontrol-mechanism?" (this in the presumption that you are in a serious relationship, where no cheating would be involved... (of course you can never be totally certain about this, and when you would find out, the damage can allready been done...))
Do any of you girls use a condom supplementary to the pill?
Did you have bad experiences with your pill?
How do you manage never forgetting to take it, let alone taking it at around the same time each day???
Have any great tips on that? (I normally remember to take it every day, but the timing varies widely!!! sometimes I'm already half a sleep when i wake up in complete panic, realising I've almost forgotten it...

How would you feel about a similar pill taken by guys?
And so on and on...
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