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Old 01-19-2004, 08:58 PM   #1 (permalink)
Go faster!
DEI37's Avatar
Location: Wisconsin
I dunno, I got bored, and wrote this

It's in NO way factual. None of this is true, nor is it based on real life. It's a complete fictional piece.

I woke up this morning, wondering, “what is in store for this evening?” It’s a question I ask from time to time as a lonely, single, twenty four year old guy. I wasn’t the most popular guy in high school, although I had been well liked, and had a few friends. However, I’d never had a girlfriend. Never been kissed, never held hands, and of course, had never had a woman.

As the day rolled on, I did some tasks around the house, and then went out for a bike ride. It was a clean, crisp fall morning, and I was enjoying myself. Wasn’t going to make a long ride out of it. I actually intended to make a six mile loop around town, and stop off at a local fast food joint for a quick burger and a drink, and then ride on home. Things went mostly according to plan, with one small hitch.

At the burger joint, I met a nice thirty six year old woman. First thing I noticed was her smile. She looked like she was having a good day, but I asked how she was doing anyways. Turned out her day wasn’t quite what I thought it was. She was a single lady, that had never been married and never had children. Turns out, she was also single. I got a spark in my eye. We got to talking, and as luck would have it, she lived just up the road from where I lived. Upon inquiring about her plans for the night, she said, “you know, I don’t have any. I’ve got no family in town, and only a few friends, mostly married, with kids, so I don’t get together with them very often.”

Now, of course, I felt compelled to see if she wanted some company for the evening. I figured on the cliche date, doing dinner and a movie. She said she’d love to, and asked if she could get back to me with an answer. I had no problem with that, understanding that total strangers don’t exactly do a dinner date within hours of meeting each other. So, we exchanged phone numbers, and she said she’d call shortly with an answer.

I rode on home, with a little more spirit in my ride, and a bigger grin on my face. I had some more things to do at the house, so before taking a shower, I figured I’d get them done. I took the phone outside with me to wash the car, and clean it up for the evening. I was just about done with the car when the phone rang. The caller ID informed me that is was her calling. Eagerly I picked it up, although I was a little nervous, not knowing exactly what she’d say.

Fate must have been with me, because she said she’d be ready to go at six o’clock, and could I pick her up, then. I said I would, and did she have anything specific in mind. She said she hadn’t really thought of anything specific, and whatever I wanted to do was fine with her.

I went back inside after I hung up the phone, my day being brightened ten fold. I cleaned up the house a little more, being unsure where the night would lead us. At about five thirty, I figured it was time to get cleaned up in preparation for the first date I’d had in a while. Finally satisfied with my appearance, I left the house at six twenty.

I stepped on her doorstep, and rang the doorbell fifteen minutes later. When she answered the door, I had to catch my breath. She had looked attractive when I saw her at the burger joint, but this was something else. She stood five feet three inches, and had her soft brunette hair down. She looked like something out of a magazine. She invited me in while she put her shoes and light jacket on.

My palms were sweaty as we made small talk in the living room. She kept her house neat, and tidy. She didn’t have many family pictures up, but had various pieces of art hanging on the walls. Her cat was lying on the sofa, curled up in a ball, sleeping. She was ready to go ten minutes later, and we went to the car. I was figuring on doing dinner first, so that’s what we did.

We sat at the table over a nice steak dinner, talking about our lives, and how we’d gotten to where we were in life. She worked independently as a lawyer, and had made a pretty good living doing so. You would think I would have known who she was by that information, but I didn’t. I half expected her to laugh at what I did for a living, working in a factory, but she didn’t mind at all. I guess the idea of being a hard worker attracted her.

After about an hour, she mentioned that I’d planned on seeing a movie after dinner, but asked if we could change plans, and go for a walk in the park ten miles up the road, just out of town. That was fine by me, as I’m interested in this lady, and want to make her feel at ease.

She was quiet on the way there, and I asked if anything was up. She said everything was alright, and she was just savoring the time together. She informed me that it had been six years since she’d been on a date, especially one where the man was interested in more than a bed partner for that night. I was kind of floored by that comment, since the topic of sex had never arisen. But, I wasn’t going to worry about it, and figured if she was ready for that, I’d probably be one of the first to know.

It was cool by the time we got to the park, but not so much that it was uncomfortable. We just walked on the little trail that was laid out in the park,. After a few minutes, she took my hand, and squeezed it. I returned the squeeze, and she laughed. Little thoughts were going through my head at this point. I wondered about her past, and her home life as a teenager, and then on through lawyer school. I didn’t ask, as I knew she would mention it when the time was right, and just enjoyed the time we were sharing.

Finally, we had walked all the way around the park, and were back at my BMW. I simply asked her if she needed to head home, or if she wanted to come over and we could watch a movie cuddled up on the couch. She kind of looked worried for a minute, but I assured her that if she needed to head home for the night, that was alright, and I told her I’d had a good time so far, and would love to do it again if she wanted. Finally, she said, “let’s go to your place and see a movie.”

I said alright, and off we went. I turned the radio on to a local country station, and a gentle love song filled the car. I hadn’t planned it that way, of course, but she chuckled, and said it was her favorite song. I tucked that piece of information in the back of my head for future reference.

As I pulled the car in to the garage, she looked over at me and said, “you know, I’ve had the time of my life tonight. I just want to thank you for this. I know after we’re done here tonight, I’ll need to see more of you.” I just looked down, and said, “thank you. I’ve enjoyed myself as well, and you’ve been good company.”

We went on inside, and she had to use my restroom. During this time, I grabbed the CD that her song was on, and popped it in the CD player. I waited until I heard the door start to open to start playing the song. When she stepped out, she heard it, and asked, “is this on the radio again already?” I just said, “no, but I thought you might want to hear it again, so I put the CD in.”

She chuckled, and I thought I almost saw her start to cry. I didn’t say anything for fear of messing up the lady. She came over, and said, “do you dance?” I got honest and said, “I’ve got two left feet, sweetie. But, I can do my best for you.”

We danced for a couple of minutes, and when we stopped, she put her arms around me, and hugged me. After a brief time, she pulled away, and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. I blushed, and she giggled, and said, “first kiss?” Again, I got honest and said, “yes.” She apologized quicky, in case she had offended me. I told her not to worry. It was about time I got started on romantic things in life. She got a laugh out of that.

I asked what kind of movie she wanted to watch, and she replied with a comedy, and anything with Adam Sandler was sure to be a hit with her. So, in went “Happy Gilmore.” We laughed through the movie all cuddled up on the couch with a bowl of popcorn, and some Coke. Finally, about about eleven thirty, the movie was over, and I was faced with a dilemma. Was I supposed to offer her a ride home, or invite her to bed with me? As if she could read my mind, she solved the problem before I could ask.

She said how she’d like to spend the night, and said she understood if I wasn’t quite comfortable with that just yet. I managed to get a “sure, that’d be fine.” out without looking too much of a fool.

Now, I hadn’t ever had a girl in my bed before, so this was a new experience for me. But, I didn’t intend to get involved physically too much before I knew her a little better. Again, she was reading my mind, and asked for a big t-shirt to change in to. I gave her the most decent one I had that would keep her somewhat covered up for the night. I went in to the bedroom to change in to some shorts and a t-shirt.

She came in just as I was done, and asked if it was alright if she went ahead and went to bed. I said that would be alright, and turned back the bedsheets, and she got comfortable. I went back in to the living room, and shut off the stereo, and the lights. Then I got a little something to drink, and made one final stop in the restroom before I went to bed.

When I got to the bedroom, I noticed that the shirt I gave her to put on was folded on the nightstand, along with a pair of black lace panties. I knew full well that this meant that the lady in my bed was completely undressed. It was difficult to conceal the evidence of my excitement at this point, but I just climbed in. Before I shut off the lights, she said she need to ask me a question. I said alright, so she did.

“I assume you saw your shirt and my panties on the night stand. I need to tell you that it’s been almost twenty years since I’ve been with a man, and you just strike me as the kind of guy that I need in my life.”

I had absolutely no reply for that. “Listen, I’ve never been with a woman. Ever. I’m a virgin, not particularly by choice, but just that the right time and opportunity have never arisen.”

She said, “I can change that for you tonight, if you so desire. I won’t pressure you in to it, though, and if you don’t want to yet, I will still be your friend, and we can just snuggle one another for the night.”

This arrangement was suitable with me, and honestly, I did desire to be her lover. I was torn between yes and no. Most of me wanted to be one with this woman tonight, but part of me wasn’t sure. I had met this woman merely fourteen hours earlier, and now she’s in my bed. Something just didnt’ seem quite right with that. I looked over at her, and said, “listen, I can understand your hunger for a lover. You’re an attractive woman, and I would love to be your lover for tonight, and longer.”

For her inexperience, combined with mine, we had a passionate night. We made love three times that night, and managed to get about two hours of sleep in before the sun assured us that we weren’t going back to sleep anytime soon.

We took a shower together, engaging in another passionate love making session. I made her breakfast, and we talked about what the future would hold. She said she had some business to take care of that week, necessitating her being out of the state most of the week, but that she would keep in touch. I was a little skeptical.

I drove her home, and we kissed goodbye for the day. I knew she’d call as the week went on, but didn’t know exactly what to make of what had just happened. I had had a lot of firsts the previous night. I had my first kiss, first real date, possible first ever girlfriend, and had lost my virginity to this wonderful woman who was twelve years my senior.

Monday came and went. As did Tuesday. I was starting to write her off as Wednesday evening rolled around. Then the phone rang. I jumped to answer it, and it was her. She was OK, but had been very involved with the work at hand. She apologized, and asked how I was doing. I told her I was OK, and had been having a good week, but I missed her. She informed me that she was flying back in to the airport Friday night at seven thirty, and asked if I would pick her up. I had plans, but told her OK, anyways, and knew I could reschedule my things.

I picked her up Friday night, and she asked if she could stay over at my place for the weekend. I said OK, and we stopped off at her place to get her things so she could stay. She was tired, so by the time we got back to my place, it was ten o’clock, and she needed to go to bed she said. I was fine with that, and told her I wouldn’t be too far behind her. Tonight, I decided to sleep in the usual outfit...nothing. I knew she would be that way, so I wasn’t concerned about that.

I guess it was about five o’clock Saturday morning, and I was starting to wake up a little bit, and something felt a little strange. I pulled myself awake, to realize that this lovely lady had decided to wake me up by making love to me. It was a pleasant wake up call to be sure. After a few minutes, and after I had completed inside her, she rolled back over, and went back to sleep. I snuggled up to her back, and put my arm around her. I heard her sigh, and relax. I knew it was going to be a good day.
Generally speaking, if you were to get what you really deserve, you might be unpleasantly surprised.
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