Originally posted by RelaX
Clairfy? What speech? This isn't something that happened in a story or something I plucked off the gddamn internet, this is what happened in RL.
I was reading a speech author Douglas Adams gave once, and in it he talked about ways of communication and that there is a whole lot of many to one communication and that it can easily lead you to think that you live in a world that has a lot of influence on you, but you don't have any influence on it (seeing as you're only 1 in a billion).
I seriously don't mean to sound like I dont' care... but that caught my eye and I'd like to know where you found it.
But on topic... Honestly the best thing you can do is to be a friend. Hang out with her and the guy. Talk with them, although it doesn't (and prolly shouldn't) be about the event. Take them places, you know, just try to help them cheer up and live through what happened.