Thread: LSU vs USC?
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Old 01-19-2004, 02:34 AM   #13 (permalink)
Location: Paradise
fucking eh!

I was lucky enough to watch my Cal Bears stick the BCS where the sun don't shine against U$C, but the Condoms ARE impressive. As such, I'd like to take 1 quick moment to bask in my boys destroying (hopefully) the sham that is the BCS

LSU is a great team too.
No way in hell should OU have been in that NC game, with their not having won their conference and all... and the fact that of the 3 teams, they were the only ones to get their asses handed to them. Don't give me this "the Pac-10 doesn't have a conference game" shit either--it didn't need 1, with $C knocking off all of the close competition (WSU was #2 in conference).

I know that $C knockers say that $C "LOST TO CAL" (I take offense at this being an insult), but this same CAL team is a preseason 10 on SI's list and 11 on ESPN's for next year. K-State kicked the shit out of OU, yet Cal played them well. You can't compare apples to oranges, but you can safely say--I hope--that SC is better than OU.

I could see LSU beating $C, but I think that if you play 10 games between the two, SC is gonna come out on top.

As everyone has no doubt already pointed out, $C has a much more powerful offense, and while I'll give LSU the nod on D, the gaps between SC's D and LSU's is far less than the gap between the offenses. Leinart is far and away the best QB even though he isn't even the best QB in his own conference, and Mauck doesn't impress at all--even vs. SC's corners.

Unfortunately, we'll never know, and that is what blows.
Also, I'd like to point out that I am partisan--as are most of the LSU backers that appear to be living on the east coast.

Also, I'd like to point out that I can't fucking stand the University of Spoiled Children, that I fear they will be even better next year with their top ranked recruiting class (LSU will be scary too), and that I fucking hope they choke.

But I still root for the PAC-10 come bowl time.
Maybe next year we'll get that LSU $C matchup.

Last edited by cheesemoney; 01-19-2004 at 02:38 AM..
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