The general rule is women are not allowed to be in any division that is designed for front line combat.
For the Army that leaves admin/support positions. With Iraqi Freedom this may start to change, simply because front lines were not always the main target of the enemy, who chose to go after the support trucks which were easier targets then M1 tanks. They have schools for snipers that allow in women, but it is extreamly difficult to get in as a male, and from word passed around the physical requirements will not be lowered like it has been in all the other divisions for females (because you'll be in teams of 2 and no one can pick up the slack for you).
The Marines are more steadfast than the Army about women serving, while the Army has mensioned a few times they are thinking of opening it up, the Marines remain strongly against it.
Pilot positions are open to women in all of the forces, and in general are the best choice for females who wish to be on the middle of the battle.
As you requested I'm leaving out any personal feelings I have on this.