1) Walter Matthau starred in Grumpy Old Men, and Kevin Pollack had a part in the movie too
2) Kevin Pollack was in Shes All That, Freddie Prinze Jr. starred in the movie
3) Freddie Prinze Jr. was a host on Saturday Night Live, with the year 2000 cast (Will Ferrel, Ana Gasteyer, Tracy Morgan, etc)
4) The year 2000 cast of Saturday Night Live was also hosted by Gwenyth Paltrow
5) Gwyneth Paltrow starred in Great Expectations, Ethan Hawk was also starred in the movie
6) Ethan Hawk Starred in GATTACA, Ernest Borgnine played "Caeser" in the Movie
Since I ended with Ernest Borgnine, I challenge the next person to do:
Ernest Borgnine to Rob Zombie