Darghon looks at the kitchen "I love the smell of freshly cooked food" He looks at the cook and smiles
He hears Vinoh talking to the mage he sensed following but couldn't sense much else about the being that stayed back yet following.. He looks at Evenyth and smiles. Grabbin some fruit and some of the dried beef that Vinoh grabbed "Interesting" Darghon sniffs the dried beef and chews on it "Interesting" he says again, putting abit more in the sack he grabs a water bag, nods his head towards Evenyth and heads out to where the gathering is happening.
He stands near Vinoh looking around looking at the crowd that has started.. noticing the warrior sleeping near his horse. He turns back to the group and waits.. "Wait, I guess we shall then Vinoh.."
Can you see me grin grin grrriiiiinnnning?!