Originally posted by Ustwo
Obviously not all gay men look 'gay' but to say there isn't a gay 'look' is being silly.
From an anthropolgical perspective there are two gay sterotypes.
There is the buff muscular gay man, a product of the homosexual community's need to communicate that they where healthy via a strong body image at a time when aids was being identified as a "gay" problem and images of sick men wasting away where all over the media in the late 80's.
There is also the Effeminate image, that in all honesty i have realized is a rarity encompasing perhaps 10-12% of the commmunity. I came to this conclusion after living in both San Fransisco and Miami Beach and noticing that it's a role adopted by a younger gay generation that is reaching there 20's now (see Queer eye for the straight guy's characters). It's a sterotype that's been aplified by social interaction and media, much the same as common generalizations that all men 18-24 years in age are FHM reading, Man show watching, strip club going that want's anything with a pussy.
Most gay men i have know or worked with over the age of 30 have not adopted this personal image. In fact most gay men are such that i would never have know they where gay if they had not mentioned it.