Re: The meaning of Life
Originally posted by tecoyah
My take:
We are here to better ouselves thru experience and interaction, thus preparing that portion of ourselves that is eternal for the next realm, whatever that may be. All the pain and happiness we live thru is *that which is*giving us the tools to grow.
I couldn't have said it better! This is exactly what I believe. Add to it that we are also here to help positively influence the growth of others. That can be by providing them with negative or positive experiences (Although I like to believe our goal should always be to improve society, by human nature some of our interactions are "negative.") which produces personal growth.
If you can go deeply into lovemaking, the ego disappears. That is the beauty of lovemaking, that it is another source of a glimpse of god
It's not about being perfect; it's about developing some skill at managing imperfection.