Wile E I'd like to thank you for putting a stop to the rudeness, I was thinking of making a similar post, before I saw yours.
I don't understand why some people find it so amusing to be rude. But I do think it says something about the character, or lack thereof, of the person posting.
<i>General life rule #432</i> If you are bragging about how rude you have been, or can be, then you are an being an ass.
I have a buddy of mine who used to be my "agnostic buddy." I consider myself an agnostic, and I think more ahtiests would consider themselves so if they looked up agnostic.
My buddy went from being an agnostic to a Jehova's witness. We have had some interesting conversations, believe me. That is what it comes down to, by the way. One believes, or one does not. If one chooses to believe, than no amount of reason, logic, or fact will change one's mind.
I can sum up the clash of religion in one sentence:
"My Invisible Friend is better than your Invisible Friend."