i love beer. i drink spirits aswell but i love beer. nothing better than having a cold beer after doing a hard days work. goes straight down.
here in australia we have many beers.. to many to name but here is a couple.
fosters (our export beer)
crown larger
VB (also refered to as vomit bombs and green death ie: tastes like shit)
carlton midstength
james boags
carlton cold
tooheys new and extra dry
and my number one favourite beer
i mainly drink XXXX bitter but sometimes gold. living in queensland this is the main beer to drink, i drink most of the others (except vb).
the other REALLY good thing about beer is that you can brew it yourself quite easliy and you can make some very nice tasting beers... my mates and i will do that and it is dirt cheep. $15A odd dollars for the ingredients and we get about 3 cartons worth