Who will you vote for?
Most of the time i dont vote because i really dont feel like my vote matters(2000 election), but if i do vote it will most likely go Democrat. I just dont think i can handle anymore of Bush's lies.
Do you always vote for a specific party?
Most of the time if i voted i would vote for Democrat but i would probably vote for Bush senior if i could have voted then.
What persuades you?
Nothing about the Democratic party persuafe me, its just that i dont want to see bush in office again.
What do you look for in a candidate?
Someone who will tell me what i want to hear and who has a pretty good track record.
Do you want Bush to be re-elected? Why/why not?
I cant stand the lies anymore, yes im glad he cought Saddam but i think it was totally unnecessary. Actually i think it was a kind of distraction from the real problem Al-Qaeda.
What views do you feel strongly about?
Health care and Protecting the Environment.
Do you want soemone who has a sense of humor?
Just as long as they get their job done, i dont care about their 1 liners.
Would you like to see a woman - even a coloured woman take the position?
Actually i was kinda hopeing that that black chick was still in the race, but yeah.
Do you feel that religion/beliefs should be the backbone of a President's views/motives/actions?
No, everything should be based on facts.
Last edited by Man/Amazing; 01-18-2004 at 11:54 AM..