Originally posted by Plan9
See, I sort of disagree. I don't care if I am told that they are STD free, untill I personally know they went to the clinic.. got tested.. and came up negative, then I will not go condom free. Yes, there are always exceptions to what I said, for instance like you said, if your partner lied to you and cheated with somebody who had a disease thus giving it to you. Same thing with the rape situation you mentioned. However, in the grand scheme of things those cases account for an extremely small amount of the people who have STDs. The major cause of getting them is being ignorant to them and irresponsible. To think otherwise is to lump yourself into the ignorant category.
The fact is that there are some who do get it, despite precautions. There are other ways of getting STDs and incurable diseases besides sexual relations. Hepatitis, herpes, AIDS, all of these can be transmitted without sexual contact. To categorically condemn a whole group of people.... well.... thats your call....