A friend of mine was raped several years ago too, she was underage and had a forced abortion, she felt so ashamed that one of her so-called friends used her to get money for sex. I was able to intervene and put a stop to it but my point is that you have to be there for your friend in the present, this is when she'll need you the most. I wish I had been aquainted with my friend earlier, if I had she would more than likely have had to go through the tormoil she had to. Be there, as a friend, and never touch her, even as a hug, unless she comes to you first.
Another thing, don't talk about her being raped, with my friend the whole time I stood by her I didn't mention how she was being used (well once, when I first found out). Be silly, be funny act like everything is normal.
Rape to me is the most criminal of crimes, quite frankly I believe the very soul of a rapist should be destroyed.
Last edited by Mr.Deflok; 01-17-2004 at 10:05 PM..