People commiting rape should have their nads coated in bbq sauce and tied naked over top a fire ant hill.
Part of it could be blamed on the lack of family structure now, but I think alot more of it is to be blamed on the fact that parents can't punish their children like they once did. If I seriously fucked up when I was a kid, I'd get cuffed upside the head. That's now considered illegal.
Parents are also, more and more, shirking their responsibilities. I've recently heard one mother complain because her daughter's math teacher suggested that she help her daughter with her homework so she could do better in class. She said, it's not my job to teach them.
Man, RelaX, your friends are both going to need you right now. They need you to be strong and to listen, and not freak out like I most certainly would. Be angry, but not in front of them.
Get off your fuckin cross. We need the fuckin space to nail the next fool martyr.
Last edited by tinfoil; 01-17-2004 at 07:42 PM..