Originally posted by TerresqueÜ
Oh boy does that ask for paranormal trouble. Ghosts are tied to this plane because of some very strong emotion, wether it be a not wanting to let go of something beloved, a room, or a bed, or something, or it can be a spiteful thing like a murder in thier home, them or soemone beloved, and it has made them angry and restless so they cannot pass on because they haven't resolved thier conflicts.
Leveling a house to get rid of a problem just asks for the ghost to get pissed off and cause even more trouble. It can even cause some sort of nexus on the home where the wall between the astral and physical plane to become weak and invite more malicious spirits to enter.
Level the old house pissing off the spirits and build a real huanted house with spirits doing all kinds of crazy paranormal shit, sell tickets for tours and a gift shop and get rich!
Thats what I would do, but thats just me.