Originally posted by tecoyah
Chavos, I just deleted an extensive reply when I recognized where it would lead. Instead, I leave you with this.
We all see what intellect permits.
Now that's not very charitable. We all have things we choose to see or not see, but to label a blinder as an impossible obstacle is a bit heavy-handed. Especially when the existence or nature of the blinder is a matter of interpretation and individual perception. Christianity isn't any more "wrong" or "right" than any other major system of belief, believe it or not. Since not everyone thinks the same way--due to the way regional language patterns structure thinking, in addition to cultural mores--everyone will find a slightly different path to spiritual fulfillment, assuming they're even looking for that in the first place. Everyone will have slightly different spiritual needs, different degrees of this or that element, etc.
It may not be
your choice, but it is not your choice, either.